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Taxibus (Cowansville municipal transit)
Back to Taxibus (Cowansville municipal transit)
Useful info


A trip is flagged as unused for the following reasons:

  1. Inaccessible or unsafe entrance to the home
  2. Failure to pay
  3. Failure to follow rules regarding luggage or shopping bags
  4. Failure to follow rules regarding pets
  5. Forgetting to cancel, cancelling at pick-up time, or failing to cancel within the required window
  6. Refusing to take transit
  7. Refusing to use a seatbelt without a certificate of exemption from the SAAQ

Table of penalties

Penalties1st unused trip2nd unused trip3rd unused trip (in a six-month period)
Amount owed for the next tripCurrent fare$7/unused trip$7/unused trip
Failure to pay on the next tripTrips halted until the amount owing is paidTrips halted until the amount owing is paid
  • Trips halted for a week
  • Trips resume once the amount owning is paid