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Teacher and parent roles

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The teacher’s role

A teacher’s role is to teach students school subjects and help them develop socially. Teachers also support children’s well-being.

It is the role of parents, and not teachers, to enforce daily discipline. If a teacher sees that a student is having trouble learning, they can refer the child to a professional, with the parents’ consent. Teachers communicate with parents to follow up on the child’s education, socialization and well-being.

Parents’ role

Parents must ensure that their children do their homework. Parents are also responsible for ensuring they are in contact with the school and should review their child’s communication binder at the end of the day.

The Centre de services scolaire du Val-des-Cerfs and the Eastern Townships School Board use the Mozaïk web portal, which contains useful information regarding absences, grades, report cards, school fees, teacher communications and more.

Compulsory school

Children in Quebec must attend every school day of the year until they are 16 years old or have received their secondary school diploma from the Ministère de l’Éducation. For more details, check out Compulsory education: Ages 6 to 16.