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School breaks and professional development days

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School breaks

Schools are not open during breaks. There is no daycare service on statutory holidays and during summer vacation. The full school calendar, including which days schools are closed, can be viewed on the Centre de services scolaire du Val-des-Cerfs website (see the Useful links and documents section below).

The school calendar for children who are allowed to attend school in English is available on the Eastern Townships School Board website (see the Useful links and documents section below).

Professional development days

Approximately once a month, schools have a professional development day so that teachers can prepare their classes or meet with parents. Children do not attend school on these days, but the daycare service is open in most elementary schools.

School calendar

Children in elementary and high school attend school 180 days a year. The school year starts at the end of August and ends in late June of the following year.

Children attend school from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Exact hours may vary by school. You will receive a school calendar at the start of the year with the school days, holidays and annual vacation days.